Scripts on Scrolls is an annual initiative of Scribes Poetry organized usually in September at Accra, Ghana. It harbors a wide range of young talents, all chapters and ministries in Scribes with the aim of propagating the gospel of Christ through ministrations in poetry, spoken word, worship and other forms of art. It climaxes our yearly themes fashioned for the ministry.

Our maiden edition was held on 24th September, 2017 at the E.T.S Drama Studio, University Of Ghana. Since then it has grown to become a household name among Scribes and Christian poetry lovers.
The intuition behind Scripts On Scrolls is seen in the Old Testament- where Shaphan the scribe read out the message from the scroll to King Josiah which ultimately led to their redemption. It is with this same intention; we also bring our scripts- our messages from the high priest, Jesus, written on SCROLLS to the world.

To commemorate the independence day of Ghana, Scribes came together with an initiative to speak about freedom. This highlights the freedom we have in Christ and the shackles of sin broken. The day also highlights mental health awareness and depression. It is climaxed with several medleys of music and testimonies.

The TRUTH is a tri-annual Bible study program organized by Scribes Global, aimed at deepening the knowledge of its members and the general public with regards to the Bible. Seen as a BIBLE FEAST, the goal is to equip members with in-depth knowledge in the Bible and come to bear the illumination of scripture. It is also a platform for everyone to share their views or ask questions on topics discussed during meetings, align doctrines to the word of God and shape paradigms, dogmas, half- truths and false teachings.
Rekindle is an intimate time of worship geared at revival and repositioning. God loves spontaneous worship but He also commands us to engage in intentional worship. Rekindle provides an ambience for both. A time intentionally set aside to allow the spontaneous happen.
As the name implies, it is intended to relight dwindled fire in our spiritual lives so that we will be relentless in our pursuit of Jesus. It is a spirit filled music experience usually at the beginning of the year to spur believers on. We believe that God's desire is to revive us so that we may rejoice in him according to psalm 85:6 so we position ourselves to be filled for his purpose.

Parading as an acronym, during the T.R.U.T.H event, members are encouraged to Take it, Read it, Understand it, Teach it and Heed it. Basically members are encouraged to take the word, read the word they took, make efforts to understand it to enable them to also teach it. All this will be irrelevant if members do not strive to heed it (the word). It is organized in March, July and November every year.